WordCamp New York City 2009

November 14–15, 2009
...was awesome!

Individual Sponsorships: Instant Karma

If you check out our sponsors page, you’ll see we’re doing pretty well with getting sponsors to help support WordCamp NYC. I’m surprised, though, that hasn’t been more traction on the lower-cost Individual and Consultant sponsorships. (While I’m thinking of it: Thank you, Baruch, Media Temple, WP e-Commerce, Margaret Roach, Shopp, EasyToBook.com, Sun, Tierra Innovation, WebDev Studios, Mojofiti and Slipfire for your support!)

At $250 and $500 respectively, these sponsorships are still cheaper than any of the conferences most people working with WordPress are likely to attend. In comparison, Future of Web Design (in NYC the 2 days after WordCamp NYC, one workshop day and one conference day) is $695. Web 2.0 Expo (in NYC the week following WordCamp NYC, lots of panels) ranges from $845 to $1995, depending on how much of it you want to attend. South by Southwest Interactive (in March in Austin, lots of panels) is $450-$550, depending on how soon you register.Have you taken a look at our program? The Saturday schedule alone is on par with those conferences.

The goal of WordCamp is to raise enough money that we can keep ticket prices low (and $40 for 2 days in NYC with the breadth of content we have is a damn good deal… a lot of our speakers are even speaking at those higher-priced conferences), but if WordPress is contributing to your success, maybe you should think of yourself as a potential sponsor rather than just an attendee. New Yorkers know how expensive our town is: food and beverage especially. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had enough money in the coffers to do something special food-wise, or put some money toward a bar tab for an afterparty?

If you sign on as an Individual or Consultant sponsor between now and November 10th, we’re upping the ante in terms of reward.

  • You’ll be listed on our sponsors page here on the site, with a link to yours.
  • We’ll thank you by name at the event.
  • You’ll be listed in the program, and can include your contact information so WordCamp NYC attendees looking for WordPress consultants/designers/developers can easily reach out to you.
  • If we have at least ten of these sponsors, we will have a special display at the event in the registration area thanking you for stepping up. You will be able to have an 8 1/2 x 11 sign listing your services and business cards at this display.

There will be a lot of people at WordCamp NYC looking to find developers and other WordPress gurus. Make yourself stand out by becoming an Individual or Consultant sponsor today, and show the community how much you love and appreciate WordPress!

To become an Individual or Consultant sponsor, just head to the Tickets page, scroll down, and select the sponsorship you would like to purchase. After your PayPal transaction is confirmed, we’ll get in touch with you about the publicity materials.

So come on, what are you waiting for? Celebrate your success by giving something back to the community that makes WordPress possible, and let us celebrate you in return.

*If you have already purchased a ticket but would like to upgrade to a sponsorship, email us at wordcampnyc/gmail/com.

One Response

  1. Robbin says:

    Example: I know enough to be dangerous and will most likely see groovy things at this conference I will not know how to execute.

    At WordCamp, I will be looking for NYC based guru’s to sit and consult/teach me.

    If you’re name is big somewhere, I’ll surely seek you out! 🙂

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