What can you do with WordPress MU?
Andrea Rennick
Hi! I’m andrea_r everywhere online and on Saturday morning I’ll be speaking in two sessions.
In the first session, we’ll be showcasing some sites built with WPMU that are not simply blog farms. When many people first discover MU, they think of developing a site where members sign up for blogs. It does a great job at that, but it can do a lot more. I’ll be highlighting some popular sites as well as some hidden gems that are using this software in different ways. This should help get your creative juices flowing as you discover the possibilities you may not have known about.
In the second session, I’ll cover two techniques from two installations showcased in the first session. One runs multiple domains, as well as a second WPMU “site”. I’ll explain the differences between Sites and domains in MU, and cover the best plugins to use to accomplish this. I’ll also quickly go over the best server setup.
In the second half, I’ll highlight how we used WPMU to build a member directory. From the viewer’s side, the site shows a user profile and their recent blog posts. From the member side, I’ll show you what they have access to. I’ll also go over the plugin we used, how we put them together, and general tips on how you could build a similar site. This should be a great session for a how-to, if you ever wondered how we did it.
For both sessions, I’m also allowing time for questions.
Sweet! I won’t be in NYC but I’d love to see this in wordpress.tv.
life is not fair. i do not have long straight blonde hair. i am not tall. i lived through 8 years of the bush administration, i have never seen a unicorn and i did not get to see your session.
i want the video! also: a pony.
*throws confetti* Happy birthday! Here’s my slides:
Video coming soon! Oscars to follow! (lol)